Monday, September 14, 2015

I am back! 9/14

Life has been crazy and I have struggled with keeping up this blog, but I am back to it.  Since my last post I have trained a lot, ran a 5k, and got my wisdom teeth pulled out.  My most recent 5k went pretty well I am a little disappointed, but I just need to keep working harder.  My time was 22:22, not a pr, but considering the heat I am very happy with that time.  I was the first female to finish, but came in second to another female by 12 seconds.  Honsetly, that stung a little and I frustrated with myself for not pushing harder.  I did come in first in my age group.  Overall it was a great race and I still have lots to improve in.  Last week I got my wisdom teeth pulled out, so I only ran 3 days last week and took the rest of the week off to heal.  Now I am back to training and I am planning on doing a half marathon in 9 weeks.  I will type up my 9 week training plan sometime this week.  

This is what I did this morning:

 4 mile run

100 double-unders
500 meter run
25 step-ups with 20-lb. dumbbells to 24-inch box

10 mins. of ladder drills to help with speed and footwork.

It was so nice to get back to training after having to take 4 days off.  The weather is finally starting to cool down and today was a nice 75 degrees. It hasn't been that cool in a very long time.